Vowls & Consonants

Alphabets are 26
Starts from 'A'
& End with 'Z'
Learn all with very ease,

5 words in alphabets
A, E, I, O, and U,
These are vowels
I tell you.....

Rest 21 are consonants
B C D F G & H,
J K L M N & P,
Q R S T V W X Y Z....
Listen my dear innocents

Sounds of English
Written with vowels,
Consonants of English
are speech words.....

Words without vowels
Can't be formed,
Words without consonants
Can't be formed.....

Both are important
To form any word,
Both are important
To speak any word....

Composed by:
Supriya Singh,
Incharge Head Teacher,
Primary School Baniyamau 1st,


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