Colour Song

English Poem related to colours is very useful  to learn the colours along with their spellings for students....

R  E  D  red
R  E  D  red
Red apple  in the basket....
B  L  U  E  blue
B  L  U  E  blue
Blue pen in pocket ....
Y E L L O W  yellow
Y E L L O W  yellow
Yellow mango is sweetest...
G R E E N  green
G R E E N  green
Green veggies are best...
B L A C K   black
B L A C K   black
Black elephant is biggest...
W H I T E  white
W H I T E  white
White milk make us strongest..
P I N K   pink
P I N K   pink
Pink  teddy is cutest...

Pooja Sachan,
Assistant Teacher,
English Medium 
Primary School Maseni,


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